One of the benefits of a home inspection is that it can prevent many of the headaches that come with either buying or selling a property.
If it’s the case that you are looking to buy a home then a home inspection service is essential and is an excellent way to find hidden issues and problems that would have remained unnoticed and could become major concerns in the near future if untreated and left their current condition.
As the seller a home inspection services is a great way for you to have the home correctly checked over letting you get any problems or issues resolved before putting your property on the market. It also means that there will be wrangling over the price of the home with the buyer as you would have to foot the repair costs yourself, unless the seller contract is AS-IS condition.
It’s good practice, in any case, to always do your best and learn all about the benefits of a home inspection. You need to know what this service involves and what costs are expected to have the inspection carried out.
Usually a typical home inspection will include and cover the structure and cosmetic features of the home, all mechanical systems will also be checked for safety and functionality. There are also many other aspects and these include:
- Interior of the home and its condition
- Exterior of the home and its condition
- Heating and AC systems
- Plumbing system
- Electrical system
- Foundation assessed
- Roof condition evaluated
- Crawl spaces explored
- Baths and Toilets
- All built-in kitchen appliances checked.
All in all, a home inspection will cover a wide and varied number of aspects and components; depending on the size and age of the house being inspected. A home inspection can take anything from 2-4 hours to complete. The price of a home inspection also varies and this is determined by size, age and type of structure.