Should I be Worried about Asbestos in my Home?

Perhaps the time has come for you to remodel the home you are in, or it could be that you want to purchase a home, either way it’s essential that you know everything there is to know about the property in question.

In most cases, you might simply overlook small issues and see them as minor and irrelevant problems. However, it is the small issues that can have the most serious of consequences on your health.

Here is something significant for you to consider, if your home was built before 1989, there is a chance the home could have been built with materials made with asbestos.

Asbestos was widely used by many companies in their building materials in the past e.g. roofing materials, vinyl floor tiles, and drywall joint filler compound. It added strength and it provided excellent resistance to heat. It was unknown to them the long-term harm.

Asbestos has been found to be extremely harmful to your health, and could cause mesothelioma cancer  via airborne spores inhaled into the lungs. Asbestos damage to your health is not noticeable right away; most cases sufferers feel the affects 20-50 years after actually ingesting the Asbestos fibers.

If your home is older and it concerns you, or you are concerned about the property you wish to buy, contact a licensed home inspector and ask about the next step to identifying if there is an issue. Remember, this is regarding homes built before 1989, since that time the use of Asbestos in materials has been banned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

It is not easy to spot products or materials that have asbestos in them, speak to an experienced inspector. They have the industry knowledge needed to give the best advice to relieve your worries.

Make yours and your family’s health a priority; get in touch with a professional affiliated home inspection company today.




When is the last time the Septic System was Inspected?

Human waste is generally a topic that people avoid, that is until something goes wrong with the septic system. There is nothing worse for a homeowner then dealing with a backed up septic system. As a homeowner, or soon-to-be-homeowner, you need to know that the maintenance of the septic is entirely up to you.

According to it states, “If your septic system isn’t maintained, you might need to replace it, costing you thousands of dollars.” The quickest way of knowing if the septic system is in good, working order is to have an inspection performed.

The septic system is made up of four major components that all need to work properly to maintain a productive and effective way of treatment for household wastewater. The first component is the pipe attached to the home that allows the wastewater to exit and enter the septic tank.

The second component is the septic tank, where the wastewater flows. The septic tank allows the waste to form into a sludge, and oil/grease to rise to top, and typically has screens to prevent the sludge/scum from entering into the drain field.

The drain field is the third component of the septic system. Many states are requiring homes now have a reserve drain field. The drain field is where the wastewater exits from the septic tank. If the drain field clogs or backs up, it causes flooding and waste to rise to the ground surface. It also keeps the wastewater from necessary treatment.

The last component is soil and is the final treatment of the wastewater. It is at the soil stage where treatment removes the most harmful substances like bacteria or viruses.

When should the homeowner or homeowner-to-be have the septic system inspected? If a first time homebuyer, then it is necessary that the inspection be done before signing the property contract. Once a contract is signed, then the responsibility and cost of septic problems will become the responsibility of the new owner. If a homeowner already, then the EPA recommends that in order to keep a healthy maintained system, a professional should inspect it every 3 years.

If the home has an alternative septic system that includes an electrical float switch, it needs inspection at least once a year. Overall, the septic system is one of the most important parts of a home, and should be maintained and inspected regularly. The main reason it should be inspected is because not only will it help on cost savings from replacement, it ensures that it will not cause any health risks due to working improperly.


What is included in a Home Inspection Pre-Purchase Report?


A professional home inspection service is a thorough examination of the property that you are wanting to buy. The beauty about a professional home inspector is that he or she are incredibly picky in their assessment and give an accurate account of that potential home. Being experienced and skilled in their field of expertise has many benefits to the buyer and even the seller of the intended property property. A certified and experienced inspector is trained to pick up on structural problems that would, in other cases, be disregarded if an inspection was never requested.

When you are wanting to buying a home it is crucial that you pay attention to every detail and each decision made. Contractual wording that might lead to future issues need your attention, the location of your home needs attention (is it in a flood zone), and one of the most important decisions is the home inspection service.  This is possibly the most important decision to make regarding the purchasing of a home.

Although, a home inspection service is not a requirement included in the home buying process it not recommended to omit it. Here is why, the results that a thorough inspection brings, peace of mind that you are making the right purchase decision. This is an overview of what is inspected at the time of pre-purchase, view a report example here or click on the image.

list of inspection services

The advantage of having a fully completed report can give you just what is needed to request a different asking price, after showing the seller the findings. Seller can fix all the repairs, or allow you enough money to fix the repairs yourself.

The best thing is to not rush into everything when buying a home. Explore every possible avenue available, this is a huge investment be smart, and make the best decisions and factual evidence regarding the property. A home inspection may cost a good few hundred dollars, but it is money well spent that could prevent thousands of dollars in extra costs in the long run and that is good news in any language.

Who benefits the most for a Home Inspection?

Who benefits the most for a home inspection? Simple question with a simple answer, you are the person who benefits most. There are many stages of buying a home; first stage is looking for the perfect property, singling out and the choosing the best option. On the other hand, if you are a seller, then opting for home inspection by a building inspector can greatly increase the chances of a glitch-free sale.

It does not matter if you are the buyer or seller of a home what matters is that a home inspection service can save time and thousands of dollars in repairs due to issues that may be detected before purchase.

The homeowner can help improve his/her chances of having a speedy sale if there has been a home inspection service carried out. In most cases, an early detected problem will cost less than repairing it when things have advanced into a worsened state.

The home buyer needs the home inspection in order to get a correct and accurate idea about the home they put an offer on, or to use the issues found as a negotiating tool. Getting an expert’s opinion and evaluation on all issues, including minor ones, will give the buyer an opportunity to offer the correct price against the asking price.

Correct price tag

A home inspection is not mandatory in the home buying or selling process (like an appraisal), but it is essential and helps clear things up. It also offers peace of mind whether it is the seller looking to put the house on the market, or the buyer about to place a bid.

By not hiring a home inspector, it could leave too many things wide open. In some cases, either the home owner or buyer will be the person left paying high pricing of repair costs. Put your best foot forward during the stages of purchase, hire in an experienced home inspector, and take advantage of the benefits.

A Home Inspection is Not Compulsory, it’s Essential

The waiting is over and the year of saving up and doing without your luxuries has paid off. The months of searching are over and you finally have the funds to cover the deposit on your own home. The home buying process can be stressful enough without the need to add any more stress from other areas.

It is not compulsory for a home inspection to be included in the home buying process. This means that it is often ignored and looked at as an area where you don’t need to be spending any more cash. This is a big mistake.

Having a home inspection done on any potential home that you are looking to buy is the smartest investment a home buyer can make. The benefits of a home inspection service are very simple and could be the difference between you being in-pocket or out-of-pocket thousands of dollars in repair and building costs.

An experienced home inspector will inspect many components within the home and externally. Everything from your foundation’s condition to your roofing structure will be evaluated and everything else in-between.

Make sure your home is closely looked at

Having a detailed inspection report will allow you to hand this over to the seller with the findings on that home. The seller then has a couple of different options to take. They can either get the repairs carried out themselves, although this could change the original asking price as the house has now been upgraded from its original state from when it was put on the market. The other option the seller has is to reduce the asking price to allow you the funds to cover the pricing of the repair costs.

All in all, a home inspection is not compulsory but it is essential in terms of you getting the right house at the right price in the right condition and state.

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