The best decision you can make is hiring a home inspection service

The best thing you can do during your home buying process is to hire the professional services of a qualified home inspection company. Don’t be fooled thinking that you don’t need a home inspection service because you have just bought a new home. Even newly built homes make the news and will often have issues of some kind which will need sorted.

Having a professional check your home and its current condition will give you the vital information that you need to either push on with closing the deal or decide on not signing at all. Buying a home is a massive investment and will cost you enough of your hard-earned cash. What you don’t want to be doing is paying out thousands more in repairs and upgrades, especially when these issues could have been found earlier in the buying process. This would allow you to either ask the seller to hire a contractor to fix the repairs and foot the bill or lower their asking price to allow you to afford the repair costs.

Don’t cut corners and hold back in paying out $300-$400 dollars in your attempt to hire a home inspector. Remember like all things in life you get what you pay for. If you want high quality inspection services, then pay what you need to (within reason).  Paying a little amount of cash now could be the difference to you paying 10 or maybe 20 times that amount in repairs, which would quickly turn the home of your dreams into a nightmare.

Stressed Man Worries About Economy, Paying Bills, Retirement

When hiring a home inspector always ask for references and customer testimonials, you are looking for experience and fully qualified inspectors, there’s a lot of cowboys out there who claim they are know what they are doing but don’t really have a clue.

A home inspection is the best decision you can make when looking to buy a home, it will give you an accurate and detailed account of the current condition of the home you are looking to buy.

How a home Inspection can get you the asking price you have set

If you are looking to sell your home, then a home inspection is a great way to ensure that you receive the maximum value for your home and get the asking price that you are seeking.  Take into consideration that many home buyers will not be willing to take on the repairs of your home in its deteriorated state unless you drop the asking price. As the seller, this should motivate you to get the repairs done before the house is put on the market.

When a home inspection is carried out, the experienced inspector will give you a detailed report of the current condition of the home, foundations, retaining walls, roofing condition, insulation and all electrical and air conditioning systems. These are just a few of the components that will be checked for safety and functionality. Having this inspection report done will allow you, as the seller, to either decide to get the builders in and go ahead with the repairs or reassess the asking price and drop it. This will allow the prospective buyers to decide if they want to have the repairs done themselves.

Area That are covered by a home inspection

All in all, a home inspection service is needed to give an accurate account of what exactly is needing repair. A home inspection service will also sort out the life expectancy of other smaller issues that have been highlighted in the report. It is wise and it would be the right thing to do to get the repairs done and have the home in perfect condition. This would allow the bidding to start on your home. You do not want to be getting cut short and have to reduce the asking price down to issues that you can fix to ensure that your home gets sold without any snags.

Property Market trends and Home Inspection services

Recent trends show that Orlando in Florida is quickly becoming a very popular city to relocate. Many people travel there for vacation from all parts of the world, as well as, to escape the colder climates from where they come from. It can be agreed than that property investment is at an all-time high and only looks to increase in Central Florida considering the previous trends.

Property Market Boom

When the bank foreclosures, and the economy was struggling the real estate market suffered severely, but the market has been picking up a little over the recent years, and now many high quality properties can be picked up at very generous pricing.

When one is looking to purchase a home, it is the biggest single investment that can be made; this means that the decision on what property they are looking to buy is the right one, and not the biggest, costly mistake they ever make. It is essential that any potential property be professionally checked for damage by its previous occupants, and checked for any signs of aging due to when it was built.

Today, there are many homes sold ‘AS-IS,’ in some cases the sellers are not willing to cover any repair costs. It is basically, what is seen is what one gets, and this includes the repairs to any damages or replacements that are need done. This is why it is highly important for any buyer to get an experienced home inspector to carry out a professional home inspection reporting on any potential repairs. In addition, get an accurate evaluation on any future replacement or repair costs.

In most cases, the buyer has the right to walk away if the repair costs are too high; however, this is subject to the sales contract in place though.

If the potential home has small defects left undetected, then these small issues can soon amount into major issues costing the new homeowner thousands of dollars in repairs. That is why more people need to know the benefits of having a home inspection on their property, ensuring that it really is a dream home worth relocating to, instead of a home of nightmares.


Solid foundation is the key to keeping a home upright

Home inspectors consider and assess many aspects of a home, in order to give a professional and accurate report on the home for sale. The report includes what needs fixed internally and externally in the structure. One of the more important factors, (although they are all important) is the foundation of the building.

Today is a great opportunity to clear things up and provide an explanation on foundation inspections.

Solid Foundation

It is essential, as well as, required by law that any building structure must have a solid and sound foundation, as listed in the official regulations. The reason for this is it must support the weight of whatever is built on top of it. If the foundation is not built correctly, then whatever structure built on top of it will likely fall to the ground, or start to crack, due to an unstable and unsafe foundation.

In all cases, it’s very important to have a professional, qualified home inspector evaluate the house or investment property. Yes, you might be “in the know” of construction and spotting repairs, but it’s smart to have a trained professional lend expertise on what he/she finds wrong in the house.

A home inspector review includes the following:

  • Ensuring the floor is smooth and level. If they are not level, this could indicate and/or point to possible foundation issues under the flooring
  • Walls will be checked for structural cracks.
  • The surrounding area above doorways is checked for cracks and crevices.

Internal structural cracks

  • All windows, surrounding areas, electric wiring, HVAC system, and more (read a full list of inspection items, here)

It’s important to recognize that serious foundation issues are often caused due to the soil settlement. This does potentially have the capacity to pull apart your home and leave it all askew and unsafe.

If the Home inspector has determined the foundation unstable, then the next step is to contact a qualified, professional contractor to assess the damage and decide if the foundation can be fixed without knocking down the structure.

It’s the responsibility of the home inspection to point out structural and system faults in a home, so whether you’re buying, or selling, it is very important to seek out the services of a professional home inspection company.

Top ways in ensuring the best from your Home Inspector

The process of buying a home is a very significant and stressful process for those involved, for both the buyer and the seller. For both parties involved the best and most effective way to de-stress the whole situation is to be fully aware of the condition, in which the home being sold/bought is.

The National Association of Home Inspectors acknowledges how important it is to have certified home inspector carry out a survey on a property. When properly performed, it will give both parties the peace of mind necessary before making such a large investment.


The benefits of hiring a home inspector are that it could save buyers thousands of dollars down the line in repair costs of a home that is not in tip-top condition when purchased. Keep in mind the reason for a home inspection: a professional home inspection provides all the information needed regarding problems that could arise after the purchase.

The hired home inspector will be checking and looking for issues within the electrical system, roofing structure, plumbing, and the foundation of the home. Some key points to keep in mind when selecting to hire a home inspector:

  • Check the credentials of any potential home inspector verify the state license
  •  Ask for proof of insurance.
  • How do you know the inspector, was he referred and who referred him? References from past clients would be a good start.
  • Be present at the actual inspection and ask all the questions that you need to ask, don’t hold back.
  • A thorough home inspection will last a couple of hours.
  • Is the inspector affiliated with a credible, professional organization, like the American Society of Home Inspectors.

A home inspection is for benefits both the seller and the buyer. When done professionally might mean the difference of happiness and enjoying the reality of a dream home or a reality of endless home improvement repairs.

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