by cfbi1 | Apr 2, 2014 | Home Inspection

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Law does not require a home inspection service during the homebuying process; it is an added service that has great benefits to both the buyer and the seller of a property. If you are considering putting your property on the market, then it is recommended to consider hiring a home inspector to check it over before you do so.
An experienced and trained inspector is needed to ensure a proper evaluation. They should follow up any completed inspection service with a written report of all problem areas. As a homeowner, having a completed report will allow you the necessary time it takes to maintenance the property before you put your home on the market.
It is always better to get any repairs fixed prior to the ‘open house’ where potential buyers view it. No one would buy a home that has a leaking roof, or has structural damage and overrun with termites or cockroaches. By having all repairs done and any insect issues treated means that you can stand firm on the value of your home and be in control of any haggling that the buyer may want to do.
As a home buyer having an inspection at the right time helps you make the best decision regarding that property and your possible future in it. It would be unwise to sign on any deal unless you have had a home inspection done and you are happy with its results and findings.
A home inspection is not obligatory in the homebuying or home selling process. Buying a home is a massive investment, you need to be sure it’s the right investment and the best way to make sure that happens is to find and hire a home inspector.
by cfbi1 | Apr 1, 2014 | Home Inspection

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If you live in Florida, then you are well aware of the threat and damage that a termite infestation can cause. Termite infestation can cause severe structural damage to your home and can even bring it to the ground!
Termite infestation is not only a major inconvenience, the high cost of treatment and restoration required for repair can quickly take your savings. It is common for homeowners with a termite infestation to pay out thousands of dollars for specialized treatments only to find the termites have a possibility of returning.
Is it a wise idea to consider even buying a home without first checking for termite activity? Some people would not even consider it, and smart enough to stay far from a house with termite damage; whereas, some investors might see it as a possible negotiation tool to cut down the offer on that property.
A homeowner does not want bugs and insects turning up, so take the time to request an inspector perform a walkthrough before moving forward with the purchase of the home.
If you already own the home, take preventative action to make sure infestation does not happen. In most cases, treatment is successful and preventative measures eradicate the problem from returning. There are a few extreme cases though when it is untreatable.
If you are considering purchasing a home that has had termite infestation and damage issues in the past, then look to hire a home inspection company. Hire a company offering termite inspection as part of the service. It’s important for you to know if the termite issue has been resolved, or if the problem is going to be ongoing with the problem resurfacing every couple of months.
As mentioned above, termite infestations are treatable. Repairs to the damage can be sorted out quickly with a licensed and certified contractor. Make sure that once your termite problem has been treated you get a regular termite inspection service carried out. This will help you catch any problems or termite activity before they put you out of pocket again, or worse out of your home.
by cfbi1 | Mar 31, 2014 | Home Inspection
Keep your eye on home repairs and maintenance
If you are looking for a new home, you need to be able to spot any areas of neglect and are in need of repair. If you need any help on how to spot issues of concern, then you need a home inspection.
One of the most important areas to keep your eye on, within your home, is home repairs and maintenance. Being a homeowner means that the home is yours and you alone are responsible for the upkeep and repair duties that come along with that home. If you neglect small issues, they can soon amount to large issues that can hit you deep in the pocket and drain your savings.
Hire qualified builders to carry out repairs
If you are a homeowner, or a homebuyer, make sure that you get a qualified professional contractor to carry out all the work and repairs that need fixed. Having a qualified contractor carry out the repairs means that the work will be done properly with the correct safety standards and codes of practice. It is not recommended to rely on your own ‘odd job’ knowledge.

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A good decision (whether you own your own home, or you are looking to buy your first) would be to get in touch with a professional home inspection company. A home inspection company has the training and experience necessary to highlight and point out any areas of concern within a home.
Completed inspection reports have the information you need in order to get the repairs carried out safely and correctly. In any case, you should always keep your home well-maintained, make sure that you know what you are doing when it comes to home repairs or maintenance and always seek expert advice.
by cfbi1 | Mar 28, 2014 | Home Inspection

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You need to make sure that your home meets all the safety requirements required by law. Many areas need to be kept maintained and looked after to ensure that your home is a safe place to live on an ongoing basis. One area that needs special attention is the condition of the drinking water running through the pipes in your home.
Having your water tested is essential in maintaining good health for you and your family. Whether your water is sourced from a private well or a water storage tank located in your home it is vitally important that you get it checked and tested. The reason that you need your water tested is to make sure that it is safe for both you and your family to drink.
You could be in tiptop shape and feeling absolutely fine, but that does not mean the water you are consuming is free from contaminants. Some of the bacteria found in drinking water can take a toll over a number of years, and do lead to long-term health issues.
So it is imperative even of you are feeling well to regularly get your water source checked and treated for any issues are found.
Even if your neighbour has had there well tested and it has been given the all clear this does not automatically clear your water source and make it alright to drink. The water in your well will change, it will change for a number of reasons; for example, heavy rain and the different seasons all playing a part in the process.
Once your water testing is carried out, and if it shows contamination, you must stop using the water immediately. The source of the contamination must be found corrected and treated, and then given the all clear before you can even think about drinking or using it again.
A water well test can be included as part of a home inspection service, you need to know that the water you are drinking and brushing your teeth with is safe and free from any harmful bacteria.
For more information on the types of bacteria that could be affecting your water supply visit the CFBInspect specialist services page.
by cfbi1 | Mar 27, 2014 | Home Inspection
By knowing as much as you can about the home you want to purchase, plus its condition, helps prevent paying out extra repair costs in the future. One of the best ways to ensure that the financial decision you are about to make is a wise one is to have a pre-purchase inspection carried out on the property.
A completed property inspection report will give you the detailed information that you need regarding the home that you are looking to buy. You need to be certain that the home you’re investing your money and future in is safe and in a suitable condition.

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There are many reasons why requesting a home inspection is a good idea when searching and wanting to buy a home. You will want to know about all the issues and problems that are connected to your potential property and how advanced the problems and issues are.
The seller may even drop the asking price to allow you to get the repairs carried out. A completed inspection report will give you expert advice concerning any major problems or concerns, and let you know how those problems affect the property over time.
A completed building report will need to be looked at closely before you even think about buying a home or any property. Look at choosing a professional home inspection company that employs qualified inspectors.
By choosing a skilled company you will get the best and most professional of services from inspectors who have verified and have acknowledged credentials. You need an experienced inspector with a trained eye. Hire an inspector that knows what to look for and can give you a reliable report on the overall state of your new home.
A home inspection report is the one thing that can give you peace of mind and reassurance that the home you want is the right one for you and your family’s future.