Why is it so Important to have a Home Inspection Carried Out

Home Inspections are important

Buying a home is a massive step to take. We can all agree it is perhaps the biggest financial decision one has to make within his or her lifetime. If you do your homework on the house you want to buy, it can be one of the best decisions you ever make.

One decision that needs your attention during the process is whether you need to hire a home inspection service.

Remarkably, in some countries, a home inspection is ignored and it is the buyer’s level of building knowledge that determines if they go ahead with the purchase or not. Thankfully, in the U.S., home inspections are one of the most called upon services by both home buyers and sellers.

It’s safe to say that you would not invest $100,000 of your savings into something you knew nothing about, right? So why would you agree to buy a home or property worth the same value or more without requesting an expert’s opinion?

As a home buyer, you could use all the help you can get to feel reassured that the investment you are making is a safe one and the best one regarding your future.  The quickest way you can ensure this happens is to contact a professional home inspection company. Their services can provide you with an accurate account of the property’s strengths and weaknesses.

You need to select a trusted, reliable home inspector with years of knowledge and experience in the industry. As mentioned above, a home inspection is a great way to help you discover if the financial step you are about to make is a sound one. You need to know as much as possible about the place you want to call home. A home inspection is the best way to ensure that the choice you make about your future is the right choice.

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Does a Foreclosed Home need a Home Inspection?

Typical foreclosed home

The recent popping of the “housing bubble” has unfortunately meant that neighborhoods all around the state of Florida have become the resting place for foreclosed properties. Many people have been flocking to view these properties in the chance of getting it on the cheap; however there are a few things to do before paying out on a mortgage for these foreclosed properties.

You need to first know that the property you are looking to buy hasn’t been sitting empty for some length of time. It is essential to take along a professional home inspector from a local home inspection company to any property you are serious about buying. There may be hidden damage and areas of concern that could be easily overlooked by an eager buyer.

When you invest in a property, you are essentially investing into your future, and possibly a home to pass down to your children. It is good practice to make sure you hire a professional home inspector so you can be confident in the financial step you want to take is a good one.

A professional home inspection is not a free service and will cost you a few hundred dollars, but this cost is nothing in comparison to the potential problems that could be highlighted in a home review. This could save you potentially thousands of dollars in the long run.

In answer to the question, “Does a foreclosed home need a home inspection?” Yes, it would certainly be smart to have one.  A professional home inspection report in your hand will provide the essential information you need to make that final decision on whether to buy the property; and, determine if the low price actually was a bargain at all.

When a price is usually too good to be true there is normally a reason for it, verify that the foreclosed home you are looking at is checked out by a professional home inspector prior to purchase.




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Specialist Services can Help Detect Radon Gas in your Home


How Radon enters the home through soil

There is one thing that homeowners or people looking to buy a property need to know about and that is the reality of Radon Gas levels. Today there are many myths surrounding Radon gas causing confusion and misleading from the truth. Today, we will find out what is true, and what we need to be worrying about.

Newer built homes have been showing higher levels of Radon gas and this is due mostly because newer homes are being built on porous soil. The reason building companies are using more porous soils is to help moisture control, but with the soil being more porous it allows Radon gas to easily enter the home through cracks in foundations, small air vents, and spaces.

If there is Radon present in the soil surrounding your home, then you should know that your home and your health is in real danger. You need to get the soil around your property tested, along with the air quality in your home.

Never rely on your neighbors Radon testing results, remember that your home is a separate property and the radon levels could be very different compared to the home across the way. Keep in mind levels can be controlled, reduced, and brought back in line to a safer level.

There are a wide range of home testing kits available to buy today. Radon is a threat to your health and is reported to be the second biggest cause of lung cancer in the U.S. just behind smoking. In this case, you should consider contacting a professional home inspection company who is certified to test for Radon around your property. This ensures that the testing is done safely and in a professional manner.

You need to know that you and your family’s health is safe inside the home you are living in. Radon is a serious danger and it’s worth checking into. If you have any concerns regarding the levels of Radon gas in and around your home, speak to a professional home inspection company today.

Does a Home Inspection Affect or Influence my Home Insurance?

A Home Inspection can help lower your home insurance policy

It’s possible that insurance payments can be affected for the better when you have a home insurance inspection carried out. In the past, insurance companies have pushed homeowners into limited insurance options with a forced cancelation of their current policy.

An insurance company can easily cancel their policy coverage if the inspection brings back any areas of concern. It is in the homeowner’s best interests to ensure all maintenance is regularly performed, and the home’s surrounding area is kept clean and in top condition. As example, keep trees near the home’s roof trimmed back.

The thing with insurance companies is they can require an inspection at any time, so as a homeowner, make sure to keep on top of maintenance issues. Try to keep the home’s condition in the best possible shape, leaving the insurance companies little reason to cancel your current coverage.

You want to keep insurance premiums at the lowest possible cost, while still insuring the house for its full replacement costs. The insurance on your property is meant to rebuild it in its entirety should it be destroyed in a fire or damaged in a storm. That is a high cost to pay out, which is why the insurance companies request a home insurance inspection.

On receiving notice from the insurance company a home insurance inspection is required to renew your policy, make sure you are ahead on any chores needed done. Clean the yard, de-clutter garages, and storage spaces making them easily accessible. It is good practice to keep the idea of a home insurance inspection happening at any given time. This keeps you on your toes and ready for when it’s called into action.

So does a home inspection affect your insurance? Yes, it does, and it can go either way (a decrease or increase in premium), depending on the inspection. Get on top of the repairs needed in your home today, and when the insurance company calls, not only are you ready, but your property is too.

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What you need to Know about Buying a House and How a Home Inspection can Help

What a home inspection covers

Before you even think about buying a home, it’s essential to get a thorough home inspection by an experienced, qualified home inspector. It is not a good practice to base decisions for buying a property strictly on the seller’s information. The seller’s opinion will be biased because they want the decision to be in their favor.

You could be taken by the seemingly low price that the home is being sold at; however, it is usually set at a low price for a good reason. The best way you can ensure the property you want is a good investment is to request your own home inspection service.

A professional home review could unearth any area of concern, and major issues that could arise into serious financial problems after the sale. Would you still feel the same way about the home, and its cheap listing price, if you really knew the underlying problems causing the bargain price? In reality, you could be paying a low price for the house, but shelling out more than you paid for the house in repairs and upgrades, this is not the ideal starting point for your new life is it?

Home inspection reports contain detailed evidence of the property’s living conditions. A qualified home inspector provides helpful information on how to improve the property’s current condition, and verify if the structure is safe to live in.

It’s possible the house only has small problems such as a broken lock, which is an easy fix for a few dollars. You don’t want to chance buying a home if the foundation is unstable, and that is not an easy fix.

The financial market today is slowly building up again after its collapse; homes are still expensive to buy. A home inspection service is a fantastic and trusted way to ensure you are making the right financial decision regarding your future home. Make sure to get any property professionally inspected and evaluated before you sign on the deal.


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