A Home Inspection can Help Find Termite Activity


Hungry Termites

When you are looking to buy a property in Florida, it will include hours of searching. When you will find that place, the one that grabs at your heart, you can finally get excited about calling a place, “home”. Now, before paying for a home inspection on that property it’s best to have a look around. You want to get some sort of idea of its condition.

Anyone that is familiar with Florida knows that the state is a termite hot spot. The tropical weather and high humidity levels make it perfect for termite breeding and activity. Unfortunately, this means any Florida property is susceptible to termite invasion, damage, and activity.

Not all termite activity and presence of termites results in damage. But, if left untreated, termites could mean shelling out thousands in repair and damage costs. These can quickly amount to considerable costs dependent on overall damage.

In the U.S. alone, over $2 billion is spent each year in preventative measures and termite control. Termites alone are the main cause of structural damage in Southern Florida. If left untreated, a property can be destroyed and become devalued.

When it comes to looking for a home, be sure to have a look around and check for any exterior damage. Look around the foundation and base of the structure for damage and termite activity. Check surrounding soil around the home and look for nests or termite trails.

If you are digging up dirt to check around the house, and the soil is treated it will be a barrier the termites cannot pass through. Be cautious, if you dig up untreated soil, it can provide new access points for termites.

The best and safest way to ensure your property is suitable to buy is hiring a home inspection service. A qualified inspector knows exactly what to look for, and has experience in accessing crawl spaces. A qualified inspector is able to give expert advice on tackling the termites. And, give an accurate evaluation of any damage costs.

In finishing, when you complete the sale on the house remove any old dead tree stumps, or mulch areas. Also, only use the crawl space to store items made from metal, do not use wood, termites don’t need an invitation.

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Don’t get Caught in a Bad Purchase, Hire a Home Inspector

As a homebuyer, you have the right to have a home inspection service on the property that you are looking to buy. You need to be sure to contact a home inspection company, at the right time, as it gets you the information required to make an informed decision about your potential future home.

Hiring a home inspector can be quite a job, as there are so many home inspection companies around today, but it can be easy if you know what you are looking for. You are looking for the best company, one with strong qualifications and professional certifications.

You are looking for a home inspector that has experience in his/her field, knows what they are doing, and more importantly what they are talking about when it comes to home inspections.

The reason you should consider a home inspection is very simple, it’s a beneficial service for the buyer as it brings out any possible structure flaws. A professional home inspection is worth its weight in gold, it’s invaluable, and is the one service that can swing the sale in either direction. Results included in the completed inspection report lets you know if you will be required to pay for a major repair, and if it’s a repair you can afford.

If you are looking at buying a home, in the near future or you are in the middle of the buying process, then make sure to contact a professional home inspection company ASAP. A qualified home inspector will be able to help you in the biggest investment that you are likely to make in your lifetime.

Remember knowledge is power and the more you know about your future home the better. You don’t want to be caught and left with a bad purchase. It’s your future so make certain you hire the best home inspection services available.

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Hiring a Home Inspector is a Key Factor to Selling Your Home Quicker

Hiring a home inspector is a smart move

Not that long ago, the seller of a home, would never have even considered the option of hiring a home inspector before placing the house on the market. In the past, hiring a home inspector was the buyer’s responsibilities.

In today’s world, we live in desperate times, and desperate times call for drastic measures and wise decisions. Today’s property market is a tough one. Homes are difficult to sell with many staying on the market for a very long time.

If you are looking at having a successful home sale, then you could agree you need working strategy set in place to help the selling process along. One way you could ensure that your home sale goes to plan, and sells quicker than other homes on the market, is to hire the services of a professional home inspector.

Knowing the weak points of your home beforehand is a wise move in today’s climate and could be the key factor in your home selling strategy. A professional home inspection provides valuable information regarding your home, which you need in order to move along the sale, and make it a success.

A home evaluation is a tried and tested service, which highlights any areas of concern on the structure. These areas of concern, if left in an unfixed condition, could be the determining factor in whether your home sells or not.

Another great aspect of having a review of your home carried out before placing the house up for sale is it allows the time you might need to fix major concerns.

Nothing speaks louder than honesty and it does wonders for your character. By presenting potential buyers with a completed inspection report it will show your home is in the best shape possible. In most instances, the homebuyer will be looking to hire their own inspector anyway.

In any case, by presenting them with a recent home inspection report will do wonders in their confidence in you and in the sale. This also means that there is no chance of any unexpected problems popping up that you knew anything about.

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When Selling your Home a Pre-listing Inspection Makes Perfect Sense

A professional pre-listing inspection is a great service

You may be thinking it’s time to sell your home, or you may have already put your home on the market. Regardless of what stage you are at, there is one service that you need to consider to ensure your home can be sold for the price you want. Before you put your home on the market, you should seriously consider a pre-listing inspection.

As a homeowner, you don’t want to give any potential buyer the opportunity to present you with a detailed home inspection report that includes issues and/or problems concerning your property that you were unaware existed. The best way to get prepared before you put your home up for sale is to contact a home inspection company who can provide you with a professional pre-listing inspection.

The advantage to having a pre-listing inspection is that you will know what needs fixed prior to putting the home up for sale. You’ll learn what issues need attention because of your own inspection report. This means you have the opportunity to get what needs fixed and sorted. In addition to, no surprises coming from a buyer’s inspection report.

As a homeowner you need to be confident that your home will sell, for the price that you want. A pre-listing inspection helps you decide what are the most important items that are in need of repairs before trying to sell the property.

On the other hand, you may have to drop your original asking price, which allows the buyer to foot the cost of repairs.  A pre-listing inspection in any case is a win-win situation for a home seller.

If you would like to hear more about the advantages of a pre-listing inspection, please contact a professional home inspection company. Once you have contacted the home inspection company, ask what services are available, they can let you know what is the next step for your property.

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Why a Home Inspection is a Great Service

A Home Inspection is a great idea

It’s no secret buying a home is a massive investment. For most people it is usually the biggest, single investment that they are likely to make in their lifetime. Understanding just how big of an investment it is, should encourage you to make all the best decisions during the purchase process. Also, it is encouraged that you to take the time to research the best services to make that happen.

One of the smarter decisions that can be made, when buying a home, is hiring a home inspector. Having a qualified home inspector to review that property, during the homebuying process is vital. As it helps you make the best decision regarding your future home.

Having an experienced home inspector performing a thorough home inspection will give you the information that you need. The inspection report will help you determine whether the home you are looking at is the best financial decision that you can make since it lists major and minor defects of the structure.

An evaluation gives you, as the buyer, negotiating power when facing the seller. You might have to request the need for the sellers to pay for repairs, or to adjust the original asking price accordingly. As the homebuyer, you deserve peace of mind and assurance that the home you want to purchase is the right buy.

This is what a home inspection service offers, peace of mind and assurance.

In any situation knowledge is power, it ensures you know all about the home you are about to invest in, and puts the power of the sale into your hands. It’s also a good idea to attend the inspection walkthrough with the inspector.

Viewing the property firsthand, and having the opportunity to ask any questions you may have is vital in assisting your decision on whether the property is in the right condition to buy or if you need to start searching again.

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