by cfbi1 | May 20, 2014 | Home Inspection

When you are looking to buy a home, there are many specialized services a professional home inspection can offer you. One of the services that is very important is the testing for mold. Mold is very distinctive and has a recognizable odor. The first thing you are likely to notice is the smell, which indicates the presence of mold. It is up to you to hire a an inspector to help find the location of the mold, and the best way to treat it.
Mold can be found hiding in many places, the bathroom, old carpets, rugs, behind the kitchen backsplash, among other objects within the home. What you need to determine and understand is if the discovered mold is the type that is harmful to your health, and too dangerous for your family to be around.
It is not uncommon for people to be frightened and wary of the presence of mold, as it can cause serious health issues. Mold can also take its toll on your finances and can spread rapidly if left untreated. That means millions of spores becoming airborne, moving into different rooms through the air conditioning, and into your lungs.
Few home insurance providers cover mold related problems that means out-of-pocket expenses for you if the mold is found after the purchase. If you have any concerns regarding mold in the property you want to buy, then it’s best to contact a local home inspection company. Ask about specialist services they offer that can help you.
In most cases, mold is not detrimental to your health; however, you should be getting it checked out. This is especially important if the house has been sitting vacant for a few months. The right inspection can give you peace of mind.
Mold can be treated, if caught in time. Don’t let mold ruin the opportunity of buying a home, especially if the mold can be treated and eradicated beforehand.
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by cfbi1 | May 19, 2014 | Home Inspection

Buying a home is “up there” with the most important decision you will make in your life. So much needs considered when looking to buy a home, things like, location, cost, size, layout, nearby schools, and myriad of other personal preferences. Each need to be looked at and weighed before any final decision to buy is made.
The buyer needs to research everyone that is involved in the home buying process such as mortgage brokers, realtors, insurance company, appraisers, and home inspectors since of them play a dynamic role throughout the process.
In the home buying process, the home inspector you choose to employ can become your ally, as they are the ones providing you with detailed documentation you need to help you make a wise decision about the property.
It’s not unheard of for buyers to make a personalized checklist to assist them in finding a property in good condition. This can be beneficial before even considering such a large purchase like a home.
The condition of the following all need to be considered
- the roof
- the foundation
- property age
- major systems i.e. HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical
- materials used to construct it
Homebuyers can often be fooled into believing they have found a great deal when only the roof needs repaired. The reality, though, is a new roof can cost thousands to replace, so be wary of great deals when in actuality it is a fair deal.
The best and safest way to know if a home you want to purchase is stable is to hire a home inspection company to provide an evaluation. A professional inspector covers areas you need to know about. It is an excellent way to learn of issues or to highlight the positives of a property.
As a homebuyer, one of the best decisions you make during the process of buying a home is to hire a certified and licensed home inspector. Based on the final inspection report make the choice to buy the property or walk away from it.
by cfbi1 | May 16, 2014 | Home Inspection

The buyer requested a home inspection and you just received the results. The outcome shows that there are quite a few repairs that need fixed. It can be easy to feel stressed immediately at this point, as humans stress is a natural thing feel after bad news.
On receiving bad home inspection results, it can be very easy to feel scared too. Do not panic! If you are the homeowner, looking to sell your home, then you have no real inclination as to how the findings might affect the buyer’s decision to go through with the sale. If the findings are bad, then yes, the buyer could easily back out of the sale. One option is for you to deal with repairs, and freshen up on your negotiating skills.
If you want to sell your home, and want to avoid being surprised by the results of a buyer home inspection, then it is better to invest in a pre-listing inspection before putting the house up for sale.
By getting a pre-listing inspection prior to selling, you are finding out the issues concerning your home. Knowing this vital information gives you enough time to decide to get repairs done, or possibly reduce the asking price.
This puts the responsibility of the repairs onto the person who wants to purchase the property. It also gives them an upfront idea of how much money they need to get repairs done.
In finishing, you can help prevent the breaking of bad news by getting a prelisting home inspection first. A completed inspection will give you all the details that you need to know on your property. What you don’t want is a buyer’s inspector presenting you with issues you never knew about your home.
If your home inspection brings some bad news, don’t worry. Take the time to research the options you have available to help you. Remember, if you’re prepared, then nothing can come as too much of a surprise.
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by cfbi1 | May 14, 2014 | Home Inspection

It was quite big news, when a few years ago State Farm was simply refusing to offer any type of property insurance to homeowners. It would be safe to say, many homeowners were bothered about this, as their insurance policies were dropped, and premiums from other providers continued to shoot through the roof making coverage nearly impossible to get.
The news is that State Farm is back and offering insurance coverage for the homeowners in Florida once again. It’s hard to know what the insurance premiums are compared to other current insurance providers. What is clear is that the company has changed the inspection requirements, and that is different in comparison to the other insurance carriers across the state of Florida.
State Farm is asking for a four point inspection on properties sometimes as young as six months old. The requirement separates them from the other companies that typically ask for this type of inspection only on properties over 25 years old. State Farm is asking for a more detailed report and extra documentation from inspectors along with an increase in digital photos of the property.
Central Florida Building Inspectors is certified and approved to provide detailed and accurate four point inspections. This will help give you peace of mind and assures you that the report is professional and includes all the new details that coincide with what State Farm is requiring of homeowners.
If you have any questions or concerns, regarding a four point inspection, or any other type of home inspection, please contact us. Our professionally trained and experienced inspectors are available to answer questions.
You can be confident that you will receive high quality service and help from CFBI. If you need a home inspection, then start with a reputable company that is licensed, insured, and certified to do the job right.
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by cfbi1 | May 13, 2014 | Home Inspection

You, as a homebuyer, will need to do your uttermost to ensure that the property you are looking to buy is a safe and smart investment. This is why a home inspection is becoming an increasingly popular service in the buying process.
More and more people are contacting local home inspection companies to ask about their services, and about specialist services available to them. Specialist services include mold tests, well-water testing, thermal imaging, all are an additional inspection to the usual standard home inspection most inspection companies provide.
The answer to the headline question, do you really need a home inspection is, “Yes. Yes, you do!” Here’s the reason why, a home inspection is vital because it assists you in finding out all you need to know about a property you want to buy.
You need to know if the foundation is safe and not shifting. You need to know if the heating and AC system is functioning properly and it’s life expectancy. To find this out requires a home inspection, and a professional one at that.
Spending the couple of hours it takes to do the inspection walkthrough with the inspector you employ, will be the two of the most important hours spent during the buying process. In those two hours, you can ask any questions.
You will be able to see the property first-hand, and at the end of the inspection you will be handed a fully completed written report detailing any major and minor issues specific to that property.
In some cases, the property that you are looking to buy may need a pool inspection or termite inspection, it’s important to contact a local home inspection company who can provide these specialist services so that your needs are met.
One of the most important things that you need to remember during home purchase process is to hire a home inspector. They are the ones trained to provide you with valuable information in order to make an informed decision regarding any property you are looking at.
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