Why a Home Inspection is a Great Service

A Home Inspection is a great idea

It’s no secret buying a home is a massive investment. For most people it is usually the biggest, single investment that they are likely to make in their lifetime. Understanding just how big of an investment it is, should encourage you to make all the best decisions during the purchase process. Also, it is encouraged that you to take the time to research the best services to make that happen.

One of the smarter decisions that can be made, when buying a home, is hiring a home inspector. Having a qualified home inspector to review that property, during the homebuying process is vital. As it helps you make the best decision regarding your future home.

Having an experienced home inspector performing a thorough home inspection will give you the information that you need. The inspection report will help you determine whether the home you are looking at is the best financial decision that you can make since it lists major and minor defects of the structure.

An evaluation gives you, as the buyer, negotiating power when facing the seller. You might have to request the need for the sellers to pay for repairs, or to adjust the original asking price accordingly. As the homebuyer, you deserve peace of mind and assurance that the home you want to purchase is the right buy.

This is what a home inspection service offers, peace of mind and assurance.

In any situation knowledge is power, it ensures you know all about the home you are about to invest in, and puts the power of the sale into your hands. It’s also a good idea to attend the inspection walkthrough with the inspector.

Viewing the property firsthand, and having the opportunity to ask any questions you may have is vital in assisting your decision on whether the property is in the right condition to buy or if you need to start searching again.

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Is a Wind mitigation test a waste of time?

Wind damage

You may have heard of a home inspection service, and it’s possible you’ve hired the services of a home inspector in the past, but are you aware of what a wind mitigation service is?

A professional wind mitigation simply gives homeowners insight that is needed to understand if their home’s are strong enough to stand up against a named hurricane. If it has the required elements to withstand hurricane force winds, homeowners could qualify for discounts on their insurance premiums.

Excellent discounts are usually given to homeowners who have adequate wind protection features on their property.

Having suitable wind protection features will decrease the possibility of any damage that may occur, especially if you live in a hurricane hot spot that is susceptible to heavy windstorm weather on a regular basis. The insurance companies review the wind mitigation inspection form supplied by the home inspector. If the home is less of an insurance risk, that translates into savings for the homeowner.

A typical wind mitigation inspection will include a professional evaluation of the wind resistant features already in place on your property. Your home’s gable-end, hurricane shutters, wind proof glass, garage doors and roof will all be professionally inspected.

After the wind mitigation inspection has taken place you will be handed a completed report. The completed report will be handed over to your insurance provider and they will calculate the amount of discount that you are due.

To answer the question “is a wind mitigation test a waste of time” no it is not. Any service that can save you money is a good thing, and that’s exactly what a wind mitigation service can do, it can save you money.

If you are looking for home insurance for your property, and your home is in an area prone to strong windstorms, then contact a local home inspection company to learn more about the wind mitigation services they provide.

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Be a Bright Spark and let a Professional check Electrical Wiring Safety in your Home



One of the main causes for fires starting in the home is faulty, outdated electrical wiring, and faulty electrical mains. As a homeowner it’s your duty to ensure your home is safe to live in for you and your family. One thing to be aware of is, if your home was built prior to 1975, it is possible aluminum wiring was used, which has a much higher risk of fire hazard then copper wiring.

Electrical fires are a dangerous threat to homeowners, in the UK alone, there has been more than 20,000 fires reported last year form electrical causes. The statistics show that at least 70 people died in the fire, and more than 300,000 were seriously injured due to electrical accidents in the home. Homeowners need to routinely check if the home is safe.

The times we are living in, shows more and more of us are using numerous electrical appliances in our homes. With more computers, toasters, microwaves, hair dryers, TVs and DVD players in the home than 20 years ago it has resulted in a major spike in accidental electrical fires.

If you are a homeowner, then the best option is to contact a home inspection company and request a professional home inspection service. A qualified inspector is able to evaluate the home’s electrical system and wiring. The home inspector could advise accordingly what steps to take next if updates are required.

We need electricity in our homes for obvious reasons, but we need to be careful in the way we use it. Try not overloading plug sockets, and any buzzing sounds, or smell of burning should never be ignored or overlooked.

Most electrical fires happen due to sockets being overloaded; other factors are faulty or broken products or products that are misused. If you fail to address any electrical problem, then the outcome can be devastating. You need to be smart, use your common sense, unplug cell chargers and other electronics when not in use.



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Four Point Inspections are Becoming Common Practice in Gaining an Insurance Policy

Four Point Inspection

Nowadays, insurance companies are holding back on writing new home policies, especially on homes that are over 25 years old. They will only offer insurance policies on homes over 25 years old if a four-point inspection has been carried out on it. If you want more insurance options, then you’ll need to find a home inspection company that provides a four-point inspection for insurance approval.

The four main areas that are covered in a four-point inspection are the roof, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical wiring that’s in place. As you can imagine, if a house is constructed over 25 years ago, then there is a very high chance it doesn’t meet current construction and building standards.

A four-point inspection covers these four areas and makes sure everything is safely up-to-code and in working order. A completed report includes the age and the condition of all four major areas in the home.

Insurance companies are well aware of resident claims on their home damages and contents. Today, insurance companies are stricter on what they are willing to insure. Older homes are simply higher risk of having to pay out a claim. That’s why insurance companies are requiring four-point inspections.

It gives a clear indication of what needs fixed, upgraded, or replaced, in an older home, and if it’s up to suitable standards. Unfortunately, this may leave a homeowner with a long repair list. If homeowners want insurance coverage, then the repairs are necessary.

Insurance companies are more liberal in the case of insuring newer built homes, as the property is deemed up to current safety standards. If you received a notice in the mail from your insurance company requiring that you submit a four-inspection, contact a local home inspection company for a free consultation.


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Is Thermal Imaging Necessary when You are Looking to Buy a Home?

Energy mistakes cost householders higher bills

There are many things that come with buying a home; there is a lot of attention needed in order for the home buying process to be a success. One of the main things that needs considered is the area of a home inspection service. A home inspection service is the best way to get a clear picture of the property you are looking to buy.

Today, we are going to discuss thermal imaging, what it is, and why it’s sometimes required during a home inspection service. In every case, unless you have some range of super powers, it’s impossible to see below the surface of the ground to correctly evaluate the condition of that area.

Thermal imaging is a professional and successful way of seeing below the surface. It also is a great way of highlighting any hidden or underlying issues of concern. Thermal imaging, when done correctly, detects mold, termite activity, faulty wiring, and it’s a more efficient way of finding the true conditions of any property. It picks up what the eye can’t see.

Thermal imaging is non-invasive and causes no damage to the property, hidden faults are easily detected, and then the inspector is able to advise you on repairs needed, and the best way to have them done.

Thermal imaging is great for energy audits, as it shows where the house is losing heat. The thermal imaging camera detects these areas easily. The ability to know where to fix air leaks, in the home, is invaluable as it can save you money on utility bills each month.

For a home needing a little more in-depth inspection services, then thermal imaging is the best way to go about getting the results that you need. It can assist you to make the best decision regarding that property.

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