CFB Inspection Checklist what Items the Sellers Should be Fixing

Before any purchase or attempted purchase on the home you are looking to live in, it would be a sensible option to hire a home inspector to carry out a professional home inspection. It is also recommended that you select and hire your own contractors when looking to have the repairs done that are needed. This would ensure that you were getting a professional job done taking into consideration that some contractors may be looking to cut corners by choosing cheap appliance replacements and less experienced building firms.

Home Inspection

It is a good idea to try be present when it is being inspected, this will give you first-hand experience and you can see with your own eyes what is needing done or replaced on the home. It also allows you to ask any questions that you may have regarding the property directly to the home inspector.

It is important to know that every home will need repairs of some sort, even if you are moving into a new building. Many homes usually have minor issues needing fixed. It is also good to have a trustworthy contractor at hand who can give you an accurate and correct figure of the repair costs. Once you have the results of your home inspection, then get in contact with a trusted contractor who will help you differentiate between what are major concerns and what are minor issues.

For anyone looking to purchase a home, a professional inspection is the best way to move forward. Central Florida Building Inspectors understands the needs of the homebuyer and can produce accurate surveys on every home they inspect.

Professional Home Inspection

It’s easy to spot the obvious faults, lights not working, air conditioning malfunctioning, but for the issues that only a trained professional can find, you need to call in an experienced home inspection company.


CFB Inspection we don’t paper over the cracks


Home Inspection factors

Many factors ensure that your house is in a stable condition. One of the most important, is the foundation of the home and the state that it is in. The foundation of the home supports the full weight of the building itsself, weight from the brickwork, block work and all the interior walls in the home are distributed evenly through the structure’s foundation.

It is essential that the foundation of the home be suitable for the load it will bear, and that the correct materials are used in order to make sure that the foundation remains in place and still. It must remain solid years after the home was originally built. One of the many areas, at which, Central Florida Building Inspectors inspects is the structure foundation. Looking at this one element will be able to let you know if your house will still be standing months or years down the road.

Some of the main reasons that foundation work can be faulty are down to incorrect materials used for the job, and brick and block work that is not correctly moisture proofed can cause cracks. The last thing anyone wants to deal with is replacing foundation and walls.

Internal Wall Cracks

This needs to be checked straight away to evaluate how severe the damage is and to get to the bottom of what’s actually causing it. It could be water build up in the cavity between the brick work, the water swells and then evaporates, each time causing the wall or structure to buckle more.  Also the ground on which the original foundation was built could be unsettled causing the crack throughout the structure.

It is essential that you have a professional home inspection service carried out on any home you are potentially looking to buy. This will help give you an accurate account of what’s needing done and just how serious the issues that you are facing are.

Hiring an Orlando Home Inspector is the way to go

For anyone involved in purchasing a home it’s probably one of the biggest single investments that the majority of Americans will ever make in their life. A professional home inspection should cost in the region of just less than a quarter of the purchase price set on the home. When it is carried out correctly, it might unearth a variety of small issues that will allow you to renegotiate the asking price offered on the home.

It can be agreed that a home inspection is a win-win for the homebuyer, for instance if the home inspector evaluates the house in question and finds nothing, or very little wrong with it, then the buyer can proceed ahead feeling confidence  about the purchase. If the inspector finds issues within the home or outside the home, then again the buyer has the option to decline moving forward with buying the home, or use it as a negotiating tool to get a reduction on price. Any home improvements due to the cost of the issues need worked out.

Why Schedule a Specialty Home Inspection

You have heard the common phrase,

“Out of sight. Out of mind.”

Many elements in the home that contribute to problems cannot be seen by the naked eye, just because it cannot be seen does not mean it isn’t there. Some of the more damaging issues that homeowner’s face are mold problems, well-water contamination, termite infestation, and Radon Gas (which is life threatening). In order to know if your new home or current home has any of these problems, you will need to schedule a specialty inspection.

Mold Inspections

Mold exists in homes that have incurred a water leak somewhere, or has moisture problems. Mold cannot grow unless there is moisture. When mold starts to grow it actually floats in the air, it cannot be seen, but often comes with a musty scent. If you start smelling something musty, it is time to get a mold inspection.

Major health issues arise when mold gets out of hand inside the home. Mold leads to allergen problems, with strong hay fever like symptoms. If struggling with constant allergies, it is best to consult a physician, and to have a mold inspection to determine if that is a root cause to the allergen problem.

Well Water Inspections

Many homes in the Central Florida area are not connected to city water, but to well water. Although, well water does not cost, it does have the possibility of high mineral, bacteria, or chemical contamination. Before buying a home with a well, it is always a smart choice to have the water tested, and to find out when the last time the well pump was changed.

Water is life giving and a necessity. Some common problems that occur with well water are high iron content. If that is the case, when washing it could turn clothes the color of rust and it is not safe to drink. Check the water before purchasing.

Termite Inspections

Termites are wood eating insects that can damage the home without you even knowing it is happening. They often damage from the inside leaving the outside still intact. A few things a homeowner can do to prevent termites, or identify that they are already inside the structure. Check any wooded decks for signs of mud tubes, do not leave wood items like firewood close to the home, and contact on Central Florida Building Inspectors, Inc. to identify if termites are damaging the home.

In summary, many components in the home cause damage without the homeowner even being aware of it. The quickest and most effective way of determining if your current home or new purchase has any of the above-mentioned problems is to schedule a specialty inspection today.

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