Essential Services Provided by a Home Inspector

In the home buying process it’s essential that you include the services of a home inspection company. It’s one of the only services that will ultimately give you the assurance over the home you eventually buy.

The Pros and cons

In some cases, the circumstances may require the need to have a specialist home inspection service. A specialized inspection service includes the home being tested for things such as mold, termite, and ant infestation, and the readings for radon gas. All these factors are very serious and can cause thousands of dollars in damage, not to mention it could cost you your life (radon gas) if not addressed at the right time.

Before you go ahead with the signing on your desired property, make sure you contact the local home inspection companies and enquire about hiring the services that they can provide. Remember to look for the most experienced and reputable company.

As the buyer, it’s good practice for you to hire the inspection as this will give you an unbiased evaluation of the property in question. If you are the seller, it helps to have an inspection before putting the house up for sale.

Then sifting through the many inspection companies out there make sure that you don’t try to cut costs and go for the cheapest services available. As with many things in life, the cheap option will only deliver the cheapest of results.

Many see a home inspection as an unnecessary extra fee to avoid or even worse ignore it completely. This couldn’t be further from the truth, as it’s one of the services that will tell you what to expect when buying a home.

Make sure that hiring a qualified home inspector is at a high-ranking spot your priorities list you have to buy a home.

Important questions you need to ask your home inspector

The choice to hire a home inspection is available for any home buyer. A home inspection is a helpful aid in assisting the buyer to decide on whether or not to push ahead and close on the house. For those inexperienced in the home buying market, hiring a home inspector can be tedious, to say the least. However, break it down to this simple statement: Your decision regarding the purchase of the home relies solely on their findings. Therefore, it is crucial to the home buying process that you hire the most experienced inspector.

There are a few questions to keep in mind and ask at the time of hiring the home inspection company.

  • Is the home inspector certified?

There are many home inspectors available, but not all of them are professionally accredited by the  American Society of Home Inspectors. Qualified inspectors should be able to produce the credentials that you require of them. This will give you the assurance they are fully trained and qualified. Always ask to see certificates and ask for history list of clients and client testimonials.

  • How long has the inspector been doing their job?

What you need to remember is that a newly qualified inspector is not “less” qualified than an inspector who has been around for a while. You need to be able to discern the individual’s skills and abilities.

  • What exactly does the inspection cover?

You need to be sure that the inspection is meeting all the states standards; the inspector should be able to show examples of previous inspection reports. This will help give you peace of mind on what is actually checked.

  • Is a home inspector your only job?

In some cases, some inspectors have been found to work as contractors, as well as, being a home inspector. This can cause conflict of interest and make their reports somewhat suspicious and suspect. Many states now have regulations and standards in place that make this practice illegal.

In summary, even though an inspection may not be required in the sale process, the choice to have one is not only smart it could save you money in the end.


CFBI Specialty Services

CFBI Professional Home Inspection Company

Central Florida Building Inspectors is a professional company offering exceptionally high quality home inspection services throughout Central Florida and surrounding areas. Having a professional home inspection performed on a property you are looking to invest in is essential. Receiving a detailed report and accounting provides reassurance that the home you have chosen is right for you.

Not all home inspection companies have the ability to carry out specialist services, but CFBI does. If you are hesitant as to what a specialist service is, simply contact CFBI today. One of their advisors would be happy to answer and fill you in on all that is included in each specialty inspection.

It’s not only the structure or surrounding area and the working components in your home that need tested. In some cases, properties must be checked for radon, termites and mold. These are serious issues, which can cause major damage to a property, cause health issues, and make the home unliveable.

Central Florida Building Inspectors are confident they can provide a fast and reliable radon testing service. They can also help by giving free advice and consultation regarding the radon testing process. They are willing to help advise people who are looking at doing their own form of testing.

Having the best radon testing equipment on the market helps make sure the testing process is both accurate and efficient. There are two ways to test for radon, at present one is called the charcoal test; the other is a process of monitoring continuously the levels of radon found inside and outside of the property.

There are many areas that need your attention when it comes to buying a home, so let the experts at CFBI put their attention to where it’s needed most and that is ensuring that your home is fully inspected and evaluated giving you the results you need to push on with the signing the sale contract.


Why it’s a good decision to hire a home inspection service

It is a good decision to hire a home inspection service for a number of reasons. First, you may not be the most experienced at finding faults and spotting potential issues regarding your home. A home inspector is trained and qualified and has years of experience in evaluating the conditions of thousands of homes. Therefore, it would be very beneficial for you to hire their services and get an expert opinion on what issues are the most concerning and what needs sorted out a.s.a.p.

As the buyer it puts you in good standing if you hire the inspector, as they would be answerable to you and you alone. This means they would be doing an in-depth report and present it to you with the findings. In some occasions, the seller may hire the home inspector.  (WARNING: Check to make sure that the hired inspector is an ASHI qualified trained professional and not a friend who can push the sale through for them).

When it comes to spending your money, you always have to be vigilant and make sure it is the right investment. Not doing your homework and assessing every avenue properly could leave you with an out of pocket charge and in some cases out of a home. That is why it’s essential that you make hiring a home inspection service one of your main priorities.

Nice Foundation!

Every single home on the market today will have faults and snags of some sort, even newer structures will have issues. So, it’s in your best interest to have a professional, experienced home inspection expert look over the home you wish to purchase.  That way they can point out and differentiate between the small and major issues you might have to face as the owner.

Finding out about a home inspection service and hiring a home inspector has many advantages; it is the difference between enjoying where you are living, in the home of your dreams, or waking up in money pit filled with repairs.

How Helpful is a Home Inspection anyway?

Someone wanting to buy a home is nothing out of the ordinary and is a very popular investment opportunity.  The person searching to buy a home needs to be certain that the investment is a sound and not a financial time bomb ready to detonate. It is imperative that any property investor be made aware of potential problems that the home has or problems that may arise over time.

Ticking Time Bomb

A home inspection is very helpful to the investor on the property and the results of the completed inspection service gives valid reasons to either push through with the sale, or walk away to start the hunt all over again.

It’s important that a home inspection is carried out at the right time; no one wants to end up with out of pocket costs and stuck with a property full of radon. In addition to, the possibility of an unstable foundation that is making the walls crumble.  A speciality home inspection service can test effectively for all these issues, as well as, mold, well water quality termites, thermal imaging, and many more. Rest assured the property is a good investment before closing on the contract.

When hiring a home inspection provider, do not cut corners on cost, services, and double check that the inspector has all the right credentials, insurance, bond, and fair pricing quotes. When it comes to a home inspection one gets what he or she pays for, so if pennies are paid, then don’t expect a grand result!

It is amazing to think that a home inspection is not a requirement within the home buying process. The required appraisal does not count as a thorough inspection. Property investors make many decisions and choices when going through the process of buying a home, make sure that a home inspection is one decision chosen wisely and not disregarded.


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