Why a home inspection makes sense

If have been around the property market for a while, meaning you have a bit of experience looking at homes for purchase. You recognize easily that in the home buying process a newly built home can sometimes have just as many faults as a house built in previous years. In some cases, a home inspection is ignored because the buyer thinks the home is brand new and it cannot possibly have any major faults.

Home in safe hands

By believing all newly constructed homes are defect-free is by far one of the most costly mistakes that you could make. Hiring a home inspection service will help give a clear and accurate idea of the home inside and out. Clearly, a list of all the faults, potential problems is an asset to have in the home buying process.

Therefore, it is beneficial for you, the buyer, to ensure a home inspection is carried out on any pre-purchases or properties you are looking to buy. Buying a home should be one of the happiest times of your life, as with all major decisions that you make there will always be some form of stress involved. Hiring a home inspector can make the process a little less stressful. You will not have to  worry about covering the repair or replacement fees of work needed done prior to purchase.

Don’t get caught with unexpected fees that could cripple you financially, ensure that having a home inspection is among the top in the list of priorities. If there are major concerns, and the list of repairs are starting to mount, then your completed home inspection report can be shown to the seller. This gives the seller a couple of options. They can either have the repairs fixed or drop the original asking price, to name a few. You don’t want to cover the costs and be out of pocket on a newer home. Make it an essential priority to get a home inspection first.

The difference between a home inspection and a home appraisal

Home inspections are an essential ingredient of the home buying and selling process. Therefore, it is important the buyer of the home attend the inspection in person, along with the experienced home inspector hired. For those who might not know, there is a difference between the home inspection and the home’s appraisal. Let’s take time to clear this area up and get to the know what those differences are.

A Home Appraisal

It is usually the surveyor performing the appraisal on the home and based on their findings he/she will give an evaluation on the property before an offer is placed. In the appraisal, the surveyor will take into account a number of things including the current condition, the size of the home, proximity to schools, comparable property within a five-mile radius. All these will factor into the value of the property this helps the buyer greatly by allowing a credible purchase offer. An appraisal does not take in any facts on the structure’s integrity; this is where an inspection becomes necessary.

A Home Inspection

After you have made an offer and have a contract, you can look at hiring a qualified home inspection company to carry out the home inspection needed. Home Inspections are not mandatory, and people overlook them sometimes, in the home buying process. They are very beneficial, and worth having done.

All components within the home are checked, electrical wiring is checked for suitability, plumbing and foundation are checked, adequate measures are taken to evaluate that the correct insulation has been put in place, and the home is waterproof. These are only a few areas the home inspector will review.

 House price weigh up

A home inspection can help negotiate the asking price on that home, and in some cases, the contract agrees to allow the buyer to walk away from the home, if the costs of repairs and replacements are exceedingly high.

Having a home inspection is the difference to you enjoying the home of your dreams or waking up in the home of repair nightmares every single day.

Property Market trends and Home Inspection services

Recent trends show that Orlando in Florida is quickly becoming a very popular city to relocate. Many people travel there for vacation from all parts of the world, as well as, to escape the colder climates from where they come from. It can be agreed than that property investment is at an all-time high and only looks to increase in Central Florida considering the previous trends.

Property Market Boom

When the bank foreclosures, and the economy was struggling the real estate market suffered severely, but the market has been picking up a little over the recent years, and now many high quality properties can be picked up at very generous pricing.

When one is looking to purchase a home, it is the biggest single investment that can be made; this means that the decision on what property they are looking to buy is the right one, and not the biggest, costly mistake they ever make. It is essential that any potential property be professionally checked for damage by its previous occupants, and checked for any signs of aging due to when it was built.

Today, there are many homes sold ‘AS-IS,’ in some cases the sellers are not willing to cover any repair costs. It is basically, what is seen is what one gets, and this includes the repairs to any damages or replacements that are need done. This is why it is highly important for any buyer to get an experienced home inspector to carry out a professional home inspection reporting on any potential repairs. In addition, get an accurate evaluation on any future replacement or repair costs.

In most cases, the buyer has the right to walk away if the repair costs are too high; however, this is subject to the sales contract in place though.

If the potential home has small defects left undetected, then these small issues can soon amount into major issues costing the new homeowner thousands of dollars in repairs. That is why more people need to know the benefits of having a home inspection on their property, ensuring that it really is a dream home worth relocating to, instead of a home of nightmares.


Top ways in ensuring the best from your Home Inspector

The process of buying a home is a very significant and stressful process for those involved, for both the buyer and the seller. For both parties involved the best and most effective way to de-stress the whole situation is to be fully aware of the condition, in which the home being sold/bought is.

The National Association of Home Inspectors acknowledges how important it is to have certified home inspector carry out a survey on a property. When properly performed, it will give both parties the peace of mind necessary before making such a large investment.


The benefits of hiring a home inspector are that it could save buyers thousands of dollars down the line in repair costs of a home that is not in tip-top condition when purchased. Keep in mind the reason for a home inspection: a professional home inspection provides all the information needed regarding problems that could arise after the purchase.

The hired home inspector will be checking and looking for issues within the electrical system, roofing structure, plumbing, and the foundation of the home. Some key points to keep in mind when selecting to hire a home inspector:

  • Check the credentials of any potential home inspector verify the state license
  •  Ask for proof of insurance.
  • How do you know the inspector, was he referred and who referred him? References from past clients would be a good start.
  • Be present at the actual inspection and ask all the questions that you need to ask, don’t hold back.
  • A thorough home inspection will last a couple of hours.
  • Is the inspector affiliated with a credible, professional organization, like the American Society of Home Inspectors.

A home inspection is for benefits both the seller and the buyer. When done professionally might mean the difference of happiness and enjoying the reality of a dream home or a reality of endless home improvement repairs.

The Advantage of Home Inspections

In the majority of home buying cases, if there is a lender involved they will require a home inspection. This is part of the process of closing on a new home. The advantage of home inspections is if something comes up at the inspection, the seller will be required to fix it before the sale is completed. (Check the agreement for the inspection clause). As the buyer, you have the right to decide on the home inspection company.

Try to arrive early at the property to be inspected. This allows time for the inspector to get his equipment set up, take a preliminary survey of the interior, and get a picture of the front of the property. The picture will provide reference points of the roof, and exterior, which are essential in the evaluation process.

From the outside of the home, the water meter is checked to determine any leaks from the system or underground. All fences surrounding the property would also be checked, pools, spas, barbecues, ponds, irrigation systems, sheds, patios, plumbing system, outside ac system unit, to name a few.

The structure of the home is reviewed as well, the foundation, walls, windows, doors, the gas meter the main electrical panel, all are assessed.

The inspector will need access to the roof to get an accurate account of its current condition, and determine the need for repairs. Same goes for the attic and crawl spaces all will be included in the evaluation to give a detailed and accurate report of the home’s condition.

Condition of a Weathered Roof

In order to give a correct evaluation, we address every component and system that found on the property (not including specialty services: Mold, Radon Testing, Termite, and Thermal Imaging). All key elements, repairs are digitally photographed to complete the report.

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