Tips for the Seller to Prepare Before a Home Inspection Takes Place

Seller prep tips When the time comes to sell your home, it can be quite a nervy time. As you probably know, most homebuyers will be attending in person with their own hired home inspector. So, it’s best if you are the seller of the home you are well prepared and ready for any home inspection that is to take place.

Before any home inspection takes place make sure that you do the rounds in your home. Any appliances that currently not working need to have a note attached to them stating it is not operating properly, and you are in the process of getting it repaired. You don’t want to try and fool any inspector or potential buyer by hiding broken appliances.

This only results in making you look dishonest and that you are trying to pull the wool over their eyes. Honesty and integrity is the key here.

Make sure that certain areas in the home are accessible, such as, open attic doors, crawl spaces, etcetera. Take the time to move what needs to be moved so the home can be inspected with ease. You don’t want the inspector filing in his report that he/she had to move your stuff around to carry out their duties.

Keep your floors clean and rooms tidied. You don’t want dirty laundry everywhere and your personal items lying around, it makes the property look unkempt. If you have a pet, it is recommended that it not be present at the time of inspection. Buyers can easily be put off by barking dogs and the stench of cat litter trays. You want those interested in purchasing the home to have a pleasant experience during the home tour.

As mentioned above, it’s important to prepare your home; you need to know that the home inspector is not the bad guy attempting to present you with a checklist of problems you never knew about, or tried to hide. Again, honesty and integrity are an integral part to aiding a positive house sale.

For more tips and home inspection information, please visit our archived blogs, or follow us on our Google Plus page for updates.


My Future Home looks Fine, Why do I need a Home Inspection?

How safe is your home from major defects

Did you know that around two out of every five homes in the USA suffer from some sort of major defect? The thing about major defects is that they are generally not cheap to fix, hence the term major defect. A major defect, such as, a damaged neglected roof can cost anything upward of $15,000 to fix and repair.

The only real way that you can protect yourself financially from large repair bills is by investing in a home inspection service. If you are looking at buying a home, then a professional home inspector is the person that you need to hire. They can look over the property that has caught your eye and give it a proper assessment based on knowledge of current building codes.

A fully qualified home inspector is trained to find the hidden issues that lay unseen. The kind of issues that most people don’t see due to lack of home inspection experience. The good thing about hiring a home inspector is that their services can save you money in the long run.

Potential and existing problems can be highlighted and evaluated helping you to make the best and informed decision regarding the property purchase. You need help to determine if it’s a suitable investment opportunity.

Home inspections are becoming more and more popular, and most bank lenders will now require that a home inspection is carried out during the home buying process. When choosing a home inspector, keep in mind that you are looking for the most skilled and experienced of home inspection companies. This assures that you get the best inspector to provide the needed services.

Its common sense to include a home inspection service when you are going through the home buying process. You don’t want to sign on any property until you have a completed home inspection report in your hand with detailed information about the home you are looking at.

Get the home you are looking to buy, inspected today. Be confident that the property is a safe environment for you and your family to build your lives.

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What to know about Asbestos in the Home


Asbestos damage to the lungs

In the past, building standards were not as strict and far more relaxed then what they are today. This means there were a number of various materials used in everyday construction because they were cheaper to work with. Unfortunately, it has been found out that some of the materials used pose a serious health risk, and only now people are starting to see the affects it is having on a person’s health.

The one material that brings the most concern is the prior use of asbestos in building and roof materials. At the time, asbestos posed no real serious health risks. Now however, it is known that if asbestos materials are broken up or disturbed the asbestos particles can enter the respiratory system and lungs.

The thing with asbestos poisoning is that the effects don’t show immediately and sometimes take years to surface when it might be too late to do anything about it. There are three main illnesses caused by asbestos listed below.

The first is, Mesothelioma, this is a cancer that affects the lungs and the lining of them, in addition to the digestive track.

The second is, Asbestosis, this is scarring of the lungs, which comes about from long periods of exposure to damaged asbestos throughout the years. Shortness of breath, that worsens over the years is one of the symptoms.

The third is, Lung Cancer, those who are smokers have a higher risk of this disease if asbestos fibers are inhaled into the lungs.

If you have any concern regarding the materials used in the construction of your home, especially if it’s over 30 years old contact a professional home inspection company. They usually offer a free consultation, and if they are not certified to handle asbestos inspections, they can refer you to a certified asbestos inspector.

If you would like to know a detailed list of items in your home that might contain asbestos, you can read more via the Consumer Product Safety Commission, here.

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Avoid the Surprise of a Buyer’s Inspection by getting a Pre-listing Inspection First


Home Inspection results

The buyer requested a home inspection and you just received the results. The outcome shows that there are quite a few repairs that need fixed. It can be easy to feel stressed immediately at this point, as humans stress is a natural thing feel after bad news.

On receiving bad home inspection results, it can be very easy to feel scared too. Do not panic! If you are the homeowner, looking to sell your home, then you have no real inclination as to how the findings might affect the buyer’s decision to go through with the sale. If the findings are bad, then yes, the buyer could easily back out of the sale. One option is for you to deal with repairs, and freshen up on your negotiating skills.

If you want to sell your home, and want to avoid being surprised by the results of a buyer home inspection, then it is better to invest in a pre-listing inspection before putting the house up for sale.

By getting a pre-listing inspection prior to selling, you are finding out the issues concerning your home. Knowing this vital information gives you enough time to decide to get repairs done, or possibly reduce the asking price.

This puts the responsibility of the repairs onto the person who wants to purchase the property. It also gives them an upfront idea of how much money they need to get repairs done.

In finishing, you can help prevent the breaking of bad news by getting a prelisting home inspection first. A completed inspection will give you all the details that you need to know on your property. What you don’t want is a buyer’s inspector presenting you with issues you never knew about your home.

If your home inspection brings some bad news, don’t worry. Take the time to research the options you have available to help you. Remember, if you’re prepared, then nothing can come as too much of a surprise.

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Do I really need a Home Inspection?

A home Inspection can help your purchase go smoothly

You, as a homebuyer, will need to do your uttermost to ensure that the property you are looking to buy is a safe and smart investment. This is why a home inspection is becoming an increasingly popular service in the buying process.

More and more people are contacting local home inspection companies to ask about their services, and about specialist services available to them. Specialist services include mold tests, well-water testing, thermal imaging, all are an additional inspection to the usual standard home inspection most inspection companies provide.

The answer to the headline question, do you really need a home inspection is, “Yes. Yes, you do!” Here’s the reason why, a home inspection is vital because it assists you in finding out all you need to know about a property you want to buy.

You need to know if the foundation is safe and not shifting. You need to know if the heating and AC system is functioning properly and it’s life expectancy. To find this out requires a home inspection, and a professional one at that.

Spending the couple of hours it takes to do the inspection walkthrough with the inspector you employ, will be the two of the most important hours spent during the buying process. In those two hours, you can ask any questions.

You will be able to see the property first-hand, and at the end of the inspection you will be handed a fully completed written report detailing any major and minor issues specific to that property.

In some cases, the property that you are looking to buy may need a pool inspection or termite inspection, it’s important to contact a local home inspection company who can provide these specialist services so that your needs are met.

One of the most important things that you need to remember during home purchase process is to hire a home inspector. They are the ones trained to provide you with valuable information in order to make an informed decision regarding any property you are looking at.


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