Check the Air Quality of your Home and Rule out Radon Gas

The reason it’s important to think about radon gas is a very simple one; Radon gas is dangerous to your health if you live in a home with high concentrations of it. Therefore, it is essential for anyone in a home to look into radon testing. Take the time to check your home’s air quality and be confident it is free of radon gas emissions.

For those of you who don’t know, Radon gas is known to be the second largest cause of lung cancer in the U.S. just behind smoking. Florida is a hot spot, and Uranium is found in soil all around the state. Uranium in soil is natural, and the breakdown of that uranium is what causes radon gas.

You just need to be sure that the levels of Radon Gas emitted in the area you live is not putting your health at risk.

There are a few ways to go about checking into radon gas emissions. Department of Florida Health website includes helpful information for your local area. Another option is to contact a home inspection company that is state-certified to test for radon gas.

Give yourself peace of mind, and know the levels of radon in your home are low. Most professional home inspection companies offer radon testing as part of a specialist service.

It is worth being concerned about radon gas, as it is colorless and odorless. Data shows that many Florida homes have an above average level in the air quality, which is why it is important to test it.

In most cases radon gas, can be reduced. A radon technician will be able to assist in the best methods to decrease the risk level. If you are thinking about buying a property, it is smart to test for radon prior to purchasing.

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Radon the facts that you need to know about

Any homeowner, or anyone looking at buying property needs to be sure that they learn a thing or two about Radon Gas—it’s as simple as that. Radon is the second common cause of lung cancer in the United States of America, Radon gas is created by the natural breakdown of uranium in the soil found all over the U.S.

The scary thing about Radon is that it is completely colorless and odorless, meaning a home’s occupants can easily breathe it into his or her lungs without noticing it. Radon can also enter into a house through cracks in the foundation, through the expansion joints, and other cracks and holes around the base of your home’s structure.

If you have never heard of Radon, you need to know that is dangerous!

As mentioned, Radon gas is odorless and colorless, you cannot taste it or even see it, and it is capable of filling your home, and becoming a silent killer if it continues to go unnoticed. The Surgeon General of the US has already said that Radon is the second biggest cause of lung cancer in the states, just behind smoking. If you are a smoker, and your home has high levels of Radon gas, then you are at a higher risk of developing lung cancer.

Each year the EPA says that thousands of people die of cancer related deaths due to Radon inhalation. In average of 1-in-15 homes has serious Radon levels that need addressed.

How can I get a Radon Test?

To get your home tested for Radon, simply contact a local home inspection company. A home inspection is the safest way, and most professional method in which you can get your home tested for Radon. There are a few ways to test the home and surrounding area, and if any concern are found, suitable treatment plans can be discussed. This ensures that the air in your home is safe for you to breathe in.

Don’t delay any longer; contact your local home inspection company today! Ask if they offer Radon testing services that can help you.


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Should my Appliances be Tested for Fire Safety in my Home?

There are many benefits of a home inspection, and it’s important to understand just how beneficial a home inspection service can be. A home inspection gives an accurate, detailed report of the inspected property. It gives the buyer all the information they need in order to make a wise and sound decision, on account that this is a critical financial choice to purchase a property.

One area worth looking at is the risk of fire inside the home. A specialist home inspection includes the testing of all working appliances in the home and inspects the safety of electrical wiring that is in place.

Fire safety and the prevention of fire in your home are essential. You should be doing all you can to reduce the chances of a fire starting in your home. The problem is fires start from various sources, faulty electrical wiring, faulty appliances, and blocked heating vents, all are ways a fire can break out in your home.

Home fire damage statistics prove that there can be major damage caused or worse, the unimaginable situation where there is a life lost. So, what can you do to ensure that your home is fire-safe, and you or your properties, are not the next addition to the statistics?

The best way is to take a safety measure, and check the appliances in your house are in working order; also check the wiring in the house is up to safety code regulations. Hire a home inspection company to review both of these items.

A professional, qualified inspector is able to test, and evaluate any potential risks that these factors pose. They can give the correct advice on how to get the problems sorted out.

You can also visit a fire safety website and gather more information on how to make your home fire proof, set up a plan or escape, and ensure your safety levels are at high levels all of the time.


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4 Things you Need to Know about Your Smoke Alarms

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Should I be Worried about Asbestos in my Home?

Perhaps the time has come for you to remodel the home you are in, or it could be that you want to purchase a home, either way it’s essential that you know everything there is to know about the property in question.

In most cases, you might simply overlook small issues and see them as minor and irrelevant problems. However, it is the small issues that can have the most serious of consequences on your health.

Here is something significant for you to consider, if your home was built before 1989, there is a chance the home could have been built with materials made with asbestos.

Asbestos was widely used by many companies in their building materials in the past e.g. roofing materials, vinyl floor tiles, and drywall joint filler compound. It added strength and it provided excellent resistance to heat. It was unknown to them the long-term harm.

Asbestos has been found to be extremely harmful to your health, and could cause mesothelioma cancer  via airborne spores inhaled into the lungs. Asbestos damage to your health is not noticeable right away; most cases sufferers feel the affects 20-50 years after actually ingesting the Asbestos fibers.

If your home is older and it concerns you, or you are concerned about the property you wish to buy, contact a licensed home inspector and ask about the next step to identifying if there is an issue. Remember, this is regarding homes built before 1989, since that time the use of Asbestos in materials has been banned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

It is not easy to spot products or materials that have asbestos in them, speak to an experienced inspector. They have the industry knowledge needed to give the best advice to relieve your worries.

Make yours and your family’s health a priority; get in touch with a professional affiliated home inspection company today.




Is it Important to Use a Qualified Home Inspector?

We can all agree on one thing and that is that buying a home is a massive, financial step. Now knowing that this is one of the biggest decisions that you can make in your lifetime, it is essential that you watch all the steps you are taking very closely. You will need all the information that is possible to give you the assurance that the decision you are making is the right one. The way to get the best information on any property that you are looking to buy is hiring a professional affiliated home inspector to check out your potential property.

Buying a home is costly to say the least and can leave your savings severely depleted and to the bare bones. It is not uncommon for homebuyers to look to skip paying out extra costs on a qualified home inspector, and look at cheaper ways of getting an inspection service carried out. The problem is if you don’t get a professional inspector, you won’t get a professional home inspection.

The home inspection industry is becoming more regulated and in most states home inspectors need to have completed professional training which is provided by NAHI before they can look at beginning a home inspector’s career. Nevertheless, there are some schemers out there that offer professional services and don’t really have any experience in the home inspection industry.

When looking for a professional home inspection company, make sure that you do your homework.  Select the best companies that are local to you and from them make a shortlist. You want to be checking for the most professional out of those companies, ideally the company with the most experience and proven track record of high quality results and fair pricing rates.

In finishing, you should not be asking yourself “Do I need a qualified inspector?” Instead, you should be asking “Who is the best qualified inspector that can help me?” Don’t get caught up by hiring an unqualified home inspector. You will more than likely pay the price further down the line. That price could cost you the roof over your head.

3 Costly Blunders to Avoid when Buying a Home

Buying a new home is a BIG deal! Any type of large investment such as this is worth doing right from beginning to end. Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned homebuyer there are a few blunders that can cost you more than you intended.

Generally, the mistakes that are made happen in the between time of putting an offer on a home, up to the closing. It’s easy to get overexcited about closing on a house that you love, but don’t do it unless you’ve already considered these three things.

Blunder #1:

The first blunder to avoid when buying a home is declining the home inspection. Yes, it may cost more, but it is worth knowing if the home you are about to purchase is safe to live in. Remember that you will need a whole house inspection and special inspections such as, mold, radon, well-water, or termite. Do not sign any type of contingency clause without first getting an inspection.

Blunder #2

The second blunder to avoid when buying a home is not asking the seller questions. Sellers do not have to tell you any kind of negative information about their residence; however, if you ask questions, then the seller is obligated to share information with you. If you have more questions after looking over the house, ask your realtor to find the answers for you.

Knowing exactly what you are getting into is a smart step in the right direction.

Blunder #3

The third blunder to avoid when buying a home is getting too emotionally involved. When you enter the house you would like to purchase, attempt to look past all the home décor. Here is why, you are purchasing the as-is structure along with any hidden damage. This is why it is essential to avoid blunder #1 get an inspection first and ensure that the structure is in great condition.

If you have any questions regarding the different types of inspections available, contact us for a free consultation at 407-658-8267.

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